Regina of Wolf Medicine Magic on Hustling to Build Her Yoga Business

Regina, founder of Wolf Medicine MagicPhoto credit: Marico Fayre

Regina, founder of Wolf Medicine Magic

Photo credit: Marico Fayre

Taking a barre or yoga class with Regina of Wolf Medicine Magic is grounding. The Brooklyn-based instructor is strong, and she inspires class participants to tap into that strength, both physically and emotionally. Regina, who prefers to use just her first name, hustled to create her yoga-Ayurveda-breathwork business that travels to different studios, Wolf Medicine Magic, after graduating with a BFA in dance from Arizona State University in 2004. 

Since then, her business has swelled. She leads breathwork workshops specifically for people of color or focused on releasing trauma from toxic masculinity. She also offers Ayurvedic mentoring and teaches yoga and barre classes at several Brooklyn studios. She spoke with She Spends about how she hustled to create her business and what’s next for Wolf Medicine Magic. 

This interview was condensed and edited for clarity. 

So how did you come to the world of Ayurveda and yoga? 
I was always into esoteric and spiritual things. I was always into astrology and tarot. I didn’t start getting super into it until 2009 when I just started getting really bad eczema all over. That’s when I got into Ayurveda, looking into holistic ways to cure skin. I tried to study it as much as possible. It was so hard to find anything like that around then. Things have taken off from there. Breathwork was something along my path that I dabbled in. In 2016, I got serious about it. I just kind of keep adding to my toolbox. 

It’s one of these things where as long as capitalism exists, I’m going to play along.

How can someone looking to get into the wellness space build up their own business? 
Go to the types of events where you’ll meet people who you’d want at your events. Actually, go to something you want to be at. If you’re a night person, you can go to all sorts of things. It sounds like common sense, but it’s not enough to put just one thing on Instagram two weeks before the event. I give myself three weeks to a month to promote [an event]. I will promote it on Instagram. I’ll post something personal, then about the event; then about the workshop, then about the event. I try to tell as personal of a story with a universal theme as possible. Sometimes it takes me a half an hour to decide what I want to say. If I put in a personal story, [more] people sign up. I have found that attending workshops might have nothing to do with the field you’re in. Sometimes it’s just someone who likes to attend yoga workshops.

Do you ever worry that all this is sort of at odds with the teachings of yoga?
It’s one of these things where as long as capitalism exists, I’m going to play along. Of course, yoga was not created to be $1 billion industry. It’s not my ideal, but that’s the reality. Getting over that is important. 

I’m not just offering breathwork, it’s going to be breathwork for releasing toxic masculinity. It releases trauma from the body. I have a lot of trauma from that, so we’re going to gather together and work on it. 

Do you ever worry about the wellness industry becoming too saturated?
The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that there are more people doing things that were not prolific years ago. Find a way to make yourself unique. 

I remember someone telling me there’s no such thing as too many yoga teachers. Everyone has something to offer. With breathwork, I’m going to make this political as fuck. I’m not just offering breathwork, it’s going to be breathwork for releasing toxic masculinity. It releases trauma from the body. I have a lot of trauma from that, so we’re going to gather together and work on it. 

What’s next for Wolf Medicine Magic? 
I’ve always set out from day one to travel with yoga. I need time outside of New York. I want every vacation to involve making money. Take me to Mexico, Bali, back to India, etc. That’s my dream vision. I like to be involved in immersive things.

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